Oct 12, 2008

Yeh Hum Nahin - We are not Terrorists

A Pakistani foundation against terrorism is came into existence in October 2007 is called "Yeh Hum Nahin" is translated in to english as "We are not the ones" is dedicated to

- Reinforce the point that Islam is a peaceful faith that promotes tolerance and harmony
- Develop an awareness among people regarding the issues of the growing radicalization of Pakistani youth.
- Promote better understanding and co-existence of Muslims around the world among non-Muslim communities.
- Convey that the majority of Muslims do not support the rise in terrorism, and to deny Muslims the opportunity for involvement in terrorist activities.
- Show the positive impact of Pakistan and Muslims around the world, and remove the distance between east and west through media education.

They have setup a petition which proved to be a record breaker and signed by more than 62 million people and count still is going on. Record is now being verified to include it in "Guinness book of World record". This fact is itself a prof that how much Muslims and Pakistanis hate terrorism.

If you truly hate terrorism don't waste time and visit http://www.yehhumnaheen.org to sign the petition and tell the world that we are not the terrorists and we condemn terrorism as it is harmful for the whole world.

In my opinion terrorists have no religion, they may be from any religion and region and their intentions are to harm humanity.

1 comment:

ĉªçtÛs said...

hahahahah. how innocent.

they r not proved to be terrorists when they make israel. they invade iraq afghanistan. chechnya ugar gaya bosnia herzogovina. kashmir jal gaya they r not proved to be terrorists

and u think signing in a petition will prove us not to be terrorists.

my dear fellow i also have signed this document. but i know its nothing compared to what we r dealing with.